Wednesday, December 10, 2008


When you put a date on your dreams, it becomes a goal. When you aim for the goal, it becomes a challenge. When you beat the challenge, the reward is success. To have success . . . you need a dream." ~Raja Akhtar

Stewie and I have set our next big goal on getting a NADAC NATCH! We should be able to get our remaining Regular course points during the 2009 season and hopefully most or all of our Elite Chances Q's that we need.

Points Needed for a NATCH:

230 Elite Regular: need 80 more -8 more Q's
130 Elite Chances: need 110 more-Yikes! 11 more Q's
130 Elite Jumpers: Done!! Finished June 1, 2008

Additional Points Needed for a Versatility NATCH:

130 Elite Touch and Go: need 40 more points
130 Elite Weavers: need 11 more points
130 Elite Tunnelers: DONE!! Finished May 31,2008

Another good practice

Stewie and I had a good workout with Lynn on Sunday 12-7-08 at Hidden Brook Farm. We worked at distance on a jumpers course. I found out lots of things I need to work on. My timing, and my eye and hand position as I "draw the path". I need to learn to keep my eye on the path, and let my hand follow my eye.