Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Finally we can do Hoop Serpentines

Hoop serpentines were our nemesis for awhile, but we have finally mastered them! Yesterday and today Stewie was doing great serpentines! Hurray! I am so glad my son made me some hoops, they have been great for backyard practice.
Stewie also did some great weaves and sends out to tunnels. All in all a great practice.


Sam said...

Lucky you -- I went to my first NADAC trial last week and my dog did the hoops fine in the warm up area, but decided a hoop 180 was way too much for her on course and decided to run zoomies instead!

Nancy said...

Hi Sam,
Hoopers are different than other obstacles, at least to us. I had to train Stewie to seek them out, and watch that he did not just zoom by them. What really helped was have a couple at home. My son made them in a snap, the plans are on the NADAC Yahoo group. I used a hula hoop from Walmart.
Good luck with agility,
Stewie and I love NADAC!
Nancy and Stewie